HTML • CSS • JavaScript • Python (Flask)
Generative blob SVG characters using Python. No characters are the same! Each Blobby character has a different body shape. The shape is always unique, and the colors and eyes are randomly applied to each shape. Additionally, the images can be downloaded as SVG or PNG.
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After drawing to the canvas, you may want to download and save the canvas drawing as an image. To do this, you can use the toDataURL() method of the canvas object. Suppose you have a button with id downloadBtn in an HTML file: The download and save…
HTML has come far from being just a markup language. The HTML5 canvas gives us the power to create and manipulate pixels, sort of like a painter working on a canvas. We can draw text and graphics onto the canvas using JavaScript. To demonstrate the power of…
UX writing is the practice of crafting text for digital interfaces that help users interact with products more conveniently. While it is not expected for designers and developers to be professional writers, knowing how to write UX copy is valuable when…